Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sept. 28

Today we had our first fire drill of the year - and we did so well! We took it very seriously and made sure they we took care of ourselves by exiting out quietly and quickly, holding the door for ourselves and walking (not running!) to a safe place in the field.  All the students should be so proud of their good choices during that time today.  We will continue to have fire drills throughout the year to practice good safety in case of a real emergency.

Each day, we have been taking some time to talk about Terry Fox. His story is one that touches hearts no matter the age. We watched a short video about Terry that you may want to watch as a family (you may need some Kleenex nearby!)
Terry Fox Video

Over the last two days we have also focused on what a hero is. We discussed the difference between superheroes like Superman and heroes like Terry Fox. We have explored why Terry Fox has become such an important hero to many Canadians. Some  follow up questions you could talk about with your child are:

-What did Terry Fox do?
-What is a hero?Why was this special or unique?
-Why do you think Terry Fox is a hero?
-Who are some other heroes that you know and why?

We also try to put ourselves in his shoes when we go outside to run. (not literally, but wouldn't that be neat!) We have run in the sunny warm weather, but also in the windy chilly weather. Although we only jog for a few minutes, we can still feel how Terry may have felt on his marathon runs each day. 

Coming up:
Mrs. Jordan away tomorrow morning
Terry Fox Friday morning. Bring Toonies for Terry!