Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nov. 17

 We had a wonderful day of learning today!

 In math, we used our knowledge from making groups of ten with our buttons to start to represent numbers using tens rods and units.  We were given a number and using a variety of different types of blocks, we made groups of ten to show the number.  You can see that many of us used this as an opportunity to make some fun patterns too!

We also had the chance to sign out the school computers and we reset our passwords to a more personal password. We spent some time reviewing why it is important to have our own passwords and who is allowed to have our password (parent, grandparents and babysitters if necessary, and teachers).  We will start to use technology more regularly in our class for big projects, but also just for our day to day activities such as math games, writing, and even reading.   As we will be using the computers more, I am asking students to bring in their own pair of headphones in a ziploc bag.  Please label these headphones with your child's name.  We will keep these at the school for the year and return back to you in June.  Thank you in advance for your help with this!  If this is something you are unable to bring, please send me an email and we can come up with a plan :)

Have a great evening!

Coming up:
Early Dismissal tomorrow
Mrs. Jordan away Monday morning at Learning Leader meeting