This week has been a busy week preparing for our assembly! It is wonderful to see the students working so hard to put everything together for the big day. Tomorrow we will have our rehearsals in order to be ready for 8:30am on Friday. We hope you can make it!
We have continued to get outside each day for our 30x30. Yesterday we went outside for gym and we learned some choreography for Drum Fit. Drum Fit is where you use a fitness ball in addition to drum sticks and music. You add in some dance moves and fitness activities and you have quite the show. The smiles and laughs showed the enjoyment of the students.
We have a lot of fun things going on over the next few weeks. Here is a quick summary:
- bring Makerspace donations until Friday
- Assembly Friday at 8:30
- Volunteer Appreciation: Sign up here if you have volunteered this year and you plan to attend
- School Photo Monday June 5
- Bring Books for the Great Book Exchange until Monday
- Bike to School Day - June 6
- Mad Science Presenation - June 6
- Great Book Exchange- June 8
- Swimming Starts June 12
- Early Dismissal - June 16